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cold campaigns during holidays? is it worth it?

The Holiday season such as Easter 🐣, Christmas🎄, New Year's Eve 🎉 and other festive times, presents a unique opportunity for Lead Generation specialists. Each of them should be treated differently.

Easter is the time of polishing the strategy for Q2 and long-term planning for Q3. Christmas on the other hand is a period when companies are spending at its peak to use their budgets, but it's also a time when people are bombarded with messages.

This leads to the question: is it worth running cold campaigns during such a busy time? And if so, how can you ensure your cold campaigns break through the holiday noise effectively?

The short answer is yes, but with caution.

Holidays are when people are more open to spending, looking for deals, and might be in a more receptive mood due to the festive spirit. However, they're also overwhelmed with communications from all sides, which means your cold campaign needs to stand out and not add to the noise. The effectiveness of a cold campaign during the holidays heavily relies on how well it's crafted and its relevance to the audience.

B2B Cold Campaigns During Holidays

The strategic period for B2B cold campaigns - here’s why:

Reflection and planning time - many businesses use this downtime for reflection and planning. Your solution could be the answer they’re looking for as they set goals for the new chapter.

Budget allocation - while businesses might slow down as holidays approach, decision-makers are planning for the coming periods. Your approach might catch them at the right time to allocate their funds toward your product or service.

Lower competition - many companies hold off on marketing during holidays, which means less noise and a better chance for your message to get noticed.

Best Practices

Target decision makers with precision. Use the holiday season to research and segment your audience carefully. Focus on those who are likely to be planning for the upcoming quarter.

Personalization goes beyond names. Tailor your message based on their business needs, industry challenges and roles.

Offer value with a long-term perspective. Emphasize long-term partnerships rather than immediate sales. Provide insights or case studies that can help businesses plan their strategy for the upcoming year. This positions your company as a valuable resource, not just a vendor.

Leverage multi-channel strategies. B2B decision makers aren’t limited to one channel. Adding LinkedIn might be a good idea since people are using it during Holidays for private reasons, not only connected to work.

Prepare for follow-up. The holiday season might not always result in immediate responses. Prepare a follow-up strategy for the post-holiday period when businesses are back in full operation mode.

The holiday season with its spirit of reflection for new chapters presents a golden opportunity for B2B cold campaigns 🔑. However in the end - it all depends on YOUR specific case. Craft a strategy for your target client, adjust it to their industry and their possible needs.

💡PRO TIP: C-level personas are more common to check their mailbox during Holidays - that’s the time where they’re usually available to open new topics with you ;)


Co-Founder & Partner at Open Rate
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