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remember about warm up

In the world of email marketing, preparing your email infrastructure for sending messages is just as important as the campaign itself.

In the world of email marketing, preparing your email infrastructure for sending messages is just as important as the campaign itself.

This process, similar to stretching before physical activity, ensures that your emails reach their intended recipients without the risk of being marked as spam.

In February 2024, Gmail announced significant updates to its email handling rules, affecting how marketers approach email campaigns. Understanding and adapting to these changes is key to maintaining high deliverability rates.

Why Inbox Warming is Important

Inbox warming involves gradually increasing the number of emails sent from a new or reactivated account. This step is crucial for building a good sender reputation with Internet Service Providers (ISPs), ensuring that your emails land in the inbox, not the spam folder.

Increase in Volume

The key to effective inbox warming is starting with a small number of emails and gradually increasing their volume. This helps ISPs recognize and trust your sending patterns, improving your chances of avoiding spam filters. Our goal is to simulate the most human-like traffic even with automated tools.

Monitoring and Adjusting

Closely watch the metrics of your email campaigns, such as open rates and spam complaints. These insights will provide you with the information needed to adjust your sending strategy, ensuring optimal email deliverability. It's necessary to keep warming up the inbox all the time, regardless of whether the campaign has already started. Pausing the warming process can affect the reduction in the number of delivered email messages.


Inbox warming is a key preparatory step for any successful email marketing campaign. By starting with a low volume of emails, focusing on engagement, and carefully monitoring progress, you can enhance your email deliverability. Remember, a solid foundation starts with a well-warmed inbox.


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